From Crisis To Peace - European Conference
Venue: Paris, France (Hall ASIEM- 6, rue Albert de Lapparent, 75007 Paris)
Date: October 30, 2011, 10:00-17:00
EVA (Belgian association that initiated the first meatless day in Europe)
Noble Creations (French distributor of the book From Crisis to Peace)
Karen Soeters, Tobias Leenaert, Jean-Marc Governatori, Renato Pichler,
Jim McNamara, Doctor Jerome–Bernard Pellet, Deborah Brown Pivain,
Christian Vagedes, Frederic Freund . . . etc
Hosts: Evelyne Christ-Dassas, Tobias Leenaert
Art Exhibition: Guests are welcome to a special, complimentary art exhibition of some of the brilliant and uplifting creative works by gifted artist Supreme Master Ching Hai. (Please refer to the Art Guidebook (in French) for details)
Welcome to this conference.