• A Note on the Second Edition
      • A Note on the Second Edition

        From Crisis to Peace - The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer,
        was first
        published in 2010. Inspired by the book and by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
        other endeavors, government officials, religious leaders and the media are
        increasingly advocating the vegan lifestyle as a way to reduce climate change
        and enhance human health. As announced by Supreme Master Ching Hai
        in March 2012 after months of intensive meditation, these constructive
        efforts have changed our planetary destiny, and allowed the existence of
        Earth’s civilization to be extended for at least another half century. After
        making her announcement, Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote an open
        letter to individuals and groups around the world, expressing her gratitude
        for their invaluable work. In this updated edition of From Crisis to Peace,
        we present the letter (originally in English) on the following page.
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